Gratitude is not just for one day of the year (Thanksgiving Holiday). Join Citrine Unlimited LLC for this easy self-paced course on gratitude. Daily gratitude has been scientifically linked to creating a positive and healthy outlook on life even in difficult times. During this course, you will reflect on gratitude through the method of journaling and then be given various techniques on how to express gratitude.
-Self-paced Course
-Gratitude releases dopamine and serotonin
-Gratitude has been linked to improved health like reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and increasing the quality of sleep.
-Gratitude increases productivity at work
-Gratitude increases resiliency
-Gratitude deepens relationship
-Gratitude increases your energy levels
-Gratitude increases self-esteem
Citrine Unlimited LLC is a place for transformative experiences. Sydney Jackson-Clockston founded Citrine Unlimited LLC. in 2020 as a tool to help heart-centered and impact-driven individuals and businesses discover the limitless possibilities life has to offer. Whether working with Sydney as your coach or to plan the perfect retreat, she is committed to creating a transformative experience.
Sydney is a certified Master Coach and Retreat Coordinator. She has degrees from Colorado State University-Fort Collins, where she received her Masters. Sydney has over 10 years of experience in business, the tourism industry, mentoring, and coaching.
Sydney currently mentor's highschoolers after school as a Summit Guide with Colorado Young Leaders. She also sits on the board for Guided by Humanity.
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